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Leadership &


Consultative selling essentially involves asking your client or target open, exploratory questions.  It means ignoring your internal monologue and, instead, listening fully and attentively to the answers....          

                    ....then asking again.

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For many of us, conducting conversations like this feels counter-intuitive.  It feels easier to direct a conversation that to explore.  It is more assuring to express our own views than to solicit another's.


Yet the ability to ask openly and listen attentively can transform relationships between individuals, within teams, and with clients and contacts.  


Tongues In Trees offers a range of programmes that enable individuals and groups to communicate more powerfully, covering leadership, team working  business development, negotiation and strategy planning & execution.  Incorporating the principles of appreciative enquiry, executive coaching and behaviour economics, they enable participants to communicate more openly, to uncover new, previously hidden information, and to generate deeper relationship insights.  


Programmes are tailored to firm’s individual needs and working practices, and often involve a combination of workshop and one-to-one coaching.  

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